Posted by Jafar on [ 23. 07. 2014 ]

Under the supervision of WelfareAssociation

Quds Bank provides food parcels to the Gaza Strip


Due to the difficult humanitarian conditions experienced by the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and proceeding from its social responsibility, Quds Bank has provided emergency food parcels in response to the urgent distress call made by Welfare Association for aiding our people and the residents of the Gaza Strip and offering food subsidies to contribute in easing the effects of war there, and for covering the pressing livelihood, nutritional and health needs responsive to the lowest elements of dignity of our Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

This aid comes within a series of activities undertaken by the Bank to offer nutritional aid and basic health requirements to hospitals in the Gaza Strip, based on the conditions experienced by the children and residents in light of the prevailing situation there. Such has urged the Bank to take immediate action and contribute in aiding our people in the Strip with food parcels to be distributed to families affected by the war.

It is noted that Quds Bank has been offering its services to Palestinian people since 1995, and is considered the second largest bank in terms of propagation, whereas it offers its services through 27 branches and offices and 49 ATMs spread across Palestine. Quds Bank continues its progress with unwavering determination to become one of the leading banks in Palestinian, thanks to the construction of a network of branches, offices and modern electronic means to service our customers of different segments, contribute in building a Palestinian economy, fulfill the needs of our customers and participate in the development of the society as a whole.

Posted in 2014